Zlotnik, Shoshana (Roza’ele)

Zlotnik, Shoshana (Roza’ele)

Daughter of Sara and Yitzhak, was born in 1918 in the city of Dombrovany in Bessarabia (then Romania). She attended high school and was active in her youth in Zionist work, and later in the pioneering movement. Shoshana qualified for Aliyah Bet in 1939 on the Colorado. After many incarnations she came with her husband to work and to her family as members of the Nir Am group in the Negev. As the mother of a four-year-old girl, she has recently worked in the children’s warehouse. She was also a member of the Haganah. On the first morning of the State of Israel, on the fifteenth of Iyar 5708 (May 15, 1948), she was free from work, but out of a sense of responsibility and anxiety for the coming, she went to the laundromat to prepare a stock of children’s clothing.In the first Egyptian air raid that morning, she was hit by a bomb- Shoshana was brought to rest in the cemetery in Nir Am.

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