Zlishnik, Arie (Leib)

Zlishnik, Arie (Leib)

Son of Pesia and Avraham was born on 13.1.1912 in the town of Wlodzimierz, Poland. During the bloody riots of 1936-1939, he served as a guard in the Krayot in the vicinity of Haifa and fulfilled the duties entrusted to him with dedication and precision. With the UN General Assembly resolution on the partition of the land (29.11.1947), he immediately responded to the order and enlisted, and was sent on a special and secret mission on January 14, 1948. He was badly wounded by enemy bullets and transferred to a hospital, but the doctors’ efforts to save him, 5708 (15.1.1948), died and was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Haifa. He left a wife, Miriam, and two children.

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