Zitlany, Yitzhak (Itzik)

Zitlany, Yitzhak (Itzik)

Son of Shmuel and Mirka. He was born on 17 November 1944 in Tel Aviv, where he studied at an elementary school in Tel Aviv and after graduating from the agricultural high school in Kfar Galim, was a member of the “Ha – Mahanot Haolim” youth movement. In November 1962. He served in the Paratroopers’ Brigade and in the Six-Day War participated in the battles in Jerusalem. After his discharge from the army he conducted comprehensive study tours in the United States and after a year on his return to Israel, prepared to continue his studies while working in the military industry. He went on reserve duty from time to time until on the 11th of Kislev 5728 (December 12, 1967), when a jeep driver drove along the Dimia-Beit She’an road, he fell while carrying out his duties. He put down a wife. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. The commander of the Sayeret company wrote in a letter of condolence to his parents and noted Itzik both as a soldier and as a person who said: “He was a spirit of volunteerism and willingness, a courageous and courageous soldier without hesitation, with quick reaction and excellent fitness in complicated and dangerous situations. Jerusalem is a clear expression of these qualities and ability … Despite being urbanized kibbutzniks of his department and the members of his army was able to create a common language with them and was one of them and more – the spirit of youth and youth in him and his internal unrest made him the living spirit among his friends and the entire company ” . His comrades-in-arms issued a book in his memory called “Not far from the Yabok crossing.”

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