Zerd, Joseph

Zerd, Joseph

Joseph (Claude), son of Simcha and Kamus, was born on 25 February 1950 in Tunis, and when he was two years old, he immigrated to Israel with his family in 1952. For four years the family lived in the Har Tuv transit camp, Yossi spent his elementary years at the Elyakim religious elementary school in Beit Shemesh and spent two years studying at the Ramat-Dov religious high school, where the principal of the school said: “Yossi was a smiling and pleasant boy. explanation. He was very popular with his friends, because of his sense of humor and his cheerfulness, which infected the environment. “Yosef was one of the pillars of the class in every action – the living spirit among the students in the school,” said his classmate, David, who said that his quiet smile, his modest smile and his mischievous sparkle, combined with his quickness and his ability to help his friends and teachers. Could there have been sports competition without Joseph’s vigorous activity? Were we trips, shows, tours, shows, without Joseph’s hands? In pranks he had a special way – no frenzy, no rioting, no disintegration! Everything was done with thin, sarcastic, funny and fun humor. Yosef was an enthusiastic athlete, and during his youth he was a member of the Betar basketball team in Beit Shemesh and played soccer at Hapoel Beit Shemesh. He was also an amateur tennis table player and also dealt with other sports. Aside from sports, his love was for pop music, and his desk was full of records. After completing two years of high school, Yossi abandoned his studies and began working in the Sela plastic factory to help the family’s agriculture. At that time, his interest in weapons and the army grew. In 1967 he even joined a pre-military course conducted by the Navy, and prepared himself for his army service. Yosef was drafted into the IDF in early February 1968 and assigned to the infantry corps, during which he served as a sapper, paratrooper, and parachute instructor. I was not surprised to see him proudly wearing the uniform of the paratroopers. I do not think there was a force like the paratroopers in the IDF, which was so shocked by Yosef’s courage and courage. ” At the beginning of February 1971, Yosef was discharged from the army and set out for civilian life, first working as a tractor engineer in Sinai and then working as a tractor engineer in the Sinai, and during his leisure time he would spend time with his fiancé fiancée who planned to marry her in the summer of 1974. During the Yom Kippur War, On the front of Sinai, on October 17, 1973, his unit was ready to cross the Suez Canal and was hit by a heavy shelling and a mortar shell fell near Joseph and he was brought to eternal rest in the Mount Herzl cemetery. Father, mother, fiancé and three brothers, and was promoted to the rank of sergeant in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family: “We met Yossi as a young man Jacket, Serious, calculated, and as a good friend to all his friends. Yossi fulfilled the tasks assigned to him in the best possible way. “In memory of Yossi, his family published a booklet describing his image in the book” Knights of the Lev “issued by the Paratroopers Brigade in memory of fallen fallen soldiers in Israel.

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