Zeno, Shimon

Zeno, Shimon

Shimon son of Pricha and Salomon was born on the 9th of Kislev 5703 (18.11.1942) in Morocco and studied in a religious elementary school where the language of study was French. In 1956, the family immigrated to Israel and settled in Dimona, He completed his elementary studies at the “Rahamim” school in Be’er Sheva and continued at the “Amal” high school in Be’er Sheva where he studied for two years the metal profession. Shimon loved sports very much and especially loved football. He played for the Hapoel football team in Dimona. Shimon was drafted into the IDF in early February 1960 and assigned to the Armored Corps. After completing basic training, he took a course in the Sherman tank, tank course and Sherman Tank commanders course, and when he was discharged from regular service at the beginning of August 1962 he continued to maintain close ties with his unit. In the Six Day War, Shimon fought in the tank battles in Gaza and Sinai as a tank commander and was released after the war ended, and after graduating to civilian life he began working as a seaman in the Dimona municipality. In 1963 he married his girlfriend Rachel and eventually had three sons – Shmuel, Moshe, and Chaim – he was a devoted husband who helped his wife with all the housework and was a loving father to his children. And took them to all the sports competitions in the city. In the Yom Kippur War, Shimon fought in the battle against the Egyptians on the Sinai front, and on the 13th of Tishrei 5734 (October 8, 1973) Shimon was injured and fell to eternal rest in the cemetery in Dimona He left behind a wife and three sons, a father, a mother and four sisters, and was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant

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