Zeldes, Nathan

Zeldes, Nathan

Nathan, son of Chaya-Sarah and Meshulam Zeldes, was born on 26.8.1896 in the city of Slutsk, White Russia. He took part in the defense of Tel Hai, and later served as a defense officer in the Galilee. After his marriage in 1921 he went to study in Germany, returned as a qualified engineer and worked in the planning and construction of roads in Israel. In 1936 he completed a concentrated military course and took part in guarding and defending Jerusalem during all the years of the riots. From the beginning of the War of Independence, he served in the Haganah (Guard) and from the day of the declaration of the State of Israel he volunteered for full service and participated in many battles as commander of a class in the “Fortress” battalion. Nathan was hit by an enemy bullet and died of his wounds several hours later, on the 13th of Tammuz 5708 (July 20, 1948). He was buried in Sheikh Bader A. He was survived by a wife, a son and a daughter. On 30.8.1950, he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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