Zees, Binyamin

Zees, Binyamin

Son of Wilhelmina was born on 28.11.1929 in the city of Wiesbaden, Germany.. In 1937, he immigrated to Israel with his father (an attorney who was here for a farmer) and his two older brothers. For a few months they lived in Nahalal for first-time agricultural work and village life in Israel, and Benjamin the little one achieved the family record with his rapid adjustment to the new environment and to Hebrew speech. Afterward they moved to the son of Shemen Youth Village and at the end of 1939 settled in Tel Shalom in Karkur, and the boys continued their studies at the school in Pardes Hannah. where Benjamin quickly took his place in the class as one of the veterans. After graduating from the elementary school, he studied carpentry at the Titz Yagur vocational school and a year at the Amal school in Hadera, and later worked in carpentry in Pardes Hannah. In December 1947, he volunteered for the Haganah and underwent regular training. In the meantime, he had already gone on several occasions to take action against the enemy. In one case, when he was summoned with his friends after lengthy training for Ma’anit, they served 60 hours in a row. In March 1948 he was one of the best graduates of the course for radio and communications. During the course, his father sent him an invitation from the American aunt, for him to come to her to escape the troubles that beset the town. To this he replied in a letter to his father: “I believe that all the world’s wealth can not motivate me to leave the Land of Israel to America, especially at this time, when every youngster has a role in building our country. After all this, he will be able to go abroad, and I do not believe that it is possible to find reparations for the great blood that we Jews have suffered in this war, and you do not worry about us, Father, I hope we all return to you. ” After completing the course, he was sent with a dozen of his friends to Jerusalem, and to his great pride he was attached to the “Paratroopers” battalion of the Palmach “Harel” Brigade, and he also served as his brother Menachem in the glorious brigade. In the end of April 1948, the “Yevusi” operation was carried out in the Jerusalem area, in order to create a territorial contiguity in the city and between Jerusalem and the settlements to the north, Harel “to Jerusalem, and on April 22-23, its forces attacked. The attack began at dawn.In light of the enemy’s fire, the unit was forced to retreat and the heavy retreat in the light of day caused many casualties. In addition to all the belts, Benjamin carried on his back the heavy transmitter, And when they were ordered to hand him over to another, he asked for permission to continue his service during the battle, and when he was wounded by enemy fire, he sent a request for reinforcements and then fell on the 14th of Nissan 5708 (April 23, 1948). he was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Anavim.

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