Zamirchi, Moshe

Zamirchi, Moshe

Son of Ida and Abraham, was born on April 4, 1962 in Istanbul, Turkey. Moshe was two and a half years old when he immigrated with his parents to Israel in 1964. The family lived in the Asbestons near Ra’anana. Over time she took root in the place, grew up and moved to the Kiryat Sharet neighborhood of Ra’anana. Moshe was involved in social life around him. He completed his studies at the elementary and junior high schools in Raanana, and then moved to the ORT vocational school and graduated from the high school of mechanics. Moshe was a lively youth, a sports enthusiast and an outstanding basketball player who played for the Maccabi Raanana team. He stood out in the spirit of his volunteerism and was one of the operators of the Civil Guard in Ra’anana. In August 1980, Moshe enlisted in the IDF and served in the Paratroopers Brigade, where he was trained as an outstanding soldier in the difficult course of his unit’s training. His unit went to fight on the Lebanese front. On the second day of the war, June 7, 1982, his unit was advancing in the area of ​​Sarafand, with the company commander and his deputy marching in the lead, and next to them Moshe. Suddenly they were shot and the two commanders were killed. Moshe continued to fight until he, too, fell. He was 20 years old when he died. After they fell, Moshe was promoted. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Ra’anana. Moshe left behind his parents and two sisters. His teacher at the school said to his memory on the thirtieth day of his downfall: “Your spirit is hovering between us and within us, each and every one of Moshe, each and every one he knew and each and every one he knew and indeed the nicknames prove how beloved and beloved you were to your friends. Moshe, you’ll miss us, we’ll miss you. ” The commander of his unit wrote to his family: “You belong to the magnificent paratroopers’ family, which sacrificed many sacrifices on the altar of the security of the people and of the state … We hope that thanks to your son and brothers we will never know another war. , Courage and sacrifice, in order to fortify the security of the people. “

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