Zakai, Haggai

Zakai, Haggai

Son of Nahum and Genia. He was born on May 26, 1938 in Ayelet Hashahar. From childhood, he absorbed the spirit of his father’s house, a veteran and devoted “defense”. At the age of 15, after his father fell while performing his duties at Ayelet Hashachar, the family moved to the “Hagoshrim” farm and Hagai was the mentor, advisor and assistant to all. He used to use his vacation to participate in the farm, and he liked to travel a lot and look at the scenery around him, and he was Simcha to see the beauty of the world. They knew that he was demanding the same amount of effort and dedication he demanded of himself, but at the same time he excelled in his simple and social relations He was assigned to his unit on one of the weapons depots that had fallen from the spoils of the enemy, and was later assigned to a guard unit in El Arish, who fell during the performance of his duty on October 21, 1957 ) And was brought to rest in the cemetery in his kibbutz (Hagoshrim), and in his thirty years of exile the kibbutz published a pamphlet in his memory, and a booklet appeared in his memory bearing his name.

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