Zach, Ohad

Zach, Ohad

Son of Naomi and Chaim. Born in Haifa on March 30, 1979. A brother to Edva and Aviv, Ohad spent his early childhood with his family in Haifa and was a quiet and shy child, despite the urban environment, from his infancy to nature, land and hiking. The elementary school “Tel Hai” in the Neve Sha’anan neighborhood, where his family moved to the new community settlement of Nofit (north-west of Kiryat Tivon), and Ohad moved to the Nofit Elementary School, Ohad – a boy with a great soul. A child with a smile of permanent innocence. A child with a face scattered with freckles in a mischievous disorder. A child always ready to help, even before the request was made out of mouth. A child who looks at your face and feels that he can read from them like an open number. A child who never complained, even when it was painful or difficult. A special and beloved child, hidden and calm. A child who was humble in his soul. A child who was not only a part of his name, but a flesh of his flesh. “The love of the land that his parents had left him on the many family trips, and the location of the settlement on an exposed hill surrounded by mountains and valleys, His beloved dog, was walking around the area with a map in his hand and some equipment in the bag on his back he would go out to, sometimes for a few hours and sometimes for long days, to discover interesting places, or to watch the birds. Extensive in the field, and even discovered a special talent in preparing desserts.A fan continued his studies in the comprehensive high school “Carmel Zevulun” in Kibbutz Yagur, a quiet and introverted youth – “just as his name is – pure and pure. An eternal smile, a deep gaze, radiating serenity and peace mixed with apologetic shyness. A good student, a good friend, unobtrusive, always placed in a good place on the margins, but with a presence that radiates pleasantness and curiosity, “said Bible teacher Meir Yaffe. When he grew up and grew stronger, he was drawn to physical exertions and to sports. In the sporty navigation to which he was exposed at school, he found an optimal combination of physical effort, spatial orientation, field analysis ability and quick decision-making. His familiarity with the secrets of the topographic map and his physical strength helped him achieve distinguished achievements within the framework of the school’s representative team. In addition to the sport of navigation, he was involved in long runs and field runs. In the yearbook he wrote: “I love to travel around Israel / you will never see a curse, / nice to everyone and always helps / and a sports teacher will be – if it works out.” The sense of mission and the desire to contribute to the state led Ohad to choose to serve in a combat unit. When he enlisted in the IDF at the end of July 1997, he served in the Golani Brigade, first serving in the Egoz unit, and later moving to serve in Battalion 51. His comrades in the company said that he loved the army and his friends, On December 30, 1998, three months before his twentieth birthday, Ohad fell in the line of duty in an operational activity in Lebanon, and that night he went with his platoon to ambush. Ohad was laid to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Kiryat Tivon, leaving parents and two sisters, and was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant. Bears, scenic settlement “is not perceived, but we are here, in the presence of the worst, even the worst dreams we could not imagine. farewell. A separation from a son – a parting from a child – separation from you! But how do you separate from your child? A boy who has not quite had time to taste life? How do you separate from you? – A smiling child, NoahMed, good, devoted – child – the dream of every parent! Yes, fan, now the dream has become a nightmare! We will forever remember you! Your freckled smile, your devotion, your true love of the land and the desire to do the best for her without complaining. Any degree we try to find will only dwarf you. No fan words! Only the tears remained. Nofit cries and refuses to believe. We promise you, fan, remember and keep your dear family that you so loved. We love you! “Ohad’s family published in his memory a memorial booklet bearing his name, and his memoirs included a memoir of a family member, friends, teachers and commanders, with pictures from various periods of his life and poems. Boy, I always knew I could trust you, anywhere and in any situation. … I have always seen your kindness. You were willing to give to friends, neighbors, family, and anyone you thought needed. … I saw your shyness and I understood, I did not press. I waited for it to break out of the shell, at the right time for you, at the appropriate stage in your life. I thought that this stage would come sooner or later, and I was alert and willing to promote it with a big hug. Since you enlisted, you have found the first signs of openness. But my plan went wrong, and we did not get there. Now we will not come. … Today, only the longing, the pain and the sense of missed opportunity remain. And they are unbearable, “wrote Aviv, the younger sister:” My only brother. I always thought that such a thing would never happen in our family. I thought, ‘Oh, here’s a fan who will be released … I will not have to be more worried,’ and now it fell on us in the boom. “I have this kind of memory, a fan, of your head between my fists, when you taught me how to box, how you always protected me and if someone bothered me or anything like that – you would get mad, your ambition was to be in the army, you gave everything, life too. You know, fan, when I grow up I want to be like you … “wrote the older sister, Adva:” If I tell you the truth, there’s something I’m hoping for – that you do not hear and do not see./ You’re in a better place now, And that you have forgotten the whole situation / that you do not feel the longing and the suffocation, that you do not feel alone, sad and detached. Li Lam That something that is so alive inside me now / something of you, something you / something I had never felt existed until now./ Something that flows in my blood, something that will be inherited, for even though you have left, I do not feel abandoned. And even if it is difficult and sad, it will be even more difficult to think that this is the end, that you were only flesh and blood, that we are all sons -replacement.” Wrote Tomer Abraham: “… even though you are no longer alive, forever will remain as you were, the only person who combines purity and innocence and pure happiness, along with power and aura that made me want to be like you. In that you are surrounded by us, because forever you will remain, sympathetic, friend, present and future. ” Wrote his classmate Yuval Avner: “… you have not delivered much of your life, I know it, I hurt it unbelievably … You can only say that you were from the disappearing species of people who are also human beings in the full sense of the word, And mighty soldiers. ” Wrote Ilan Hetzroni, Guy’s father (a close friend of Ohad): “… a fan was not a dull moment, a lot of emotion and sensitivity and attention to small things gave each moment meaning and quiet joy.” “I accompanied you in your first steps in the army … I see you as a rookie,” wrote deputy Yinon Presico, who was Ohad’s commander.You’re saluting me and your face is a smile, not just a smile, but a smile from ear to ear and you’re all respectful. All your expressions like your behavior were perfect. Outwardly, sensitivity and peace of mind were displayed, but when you did know you knew how to surprise. When necessary, you were obstinate, obedient, adhering to purpose, especially when things touched important and substantive issues. I appreciated you as a serious and intelligent person, I found you in private conversations and consultations about friends – soldiers from the staff. … I managed to talk to you sympathetically about the future – the continuation of the army and going to command and officer, but I did not know then what I know today. I did not imagine then that planning for the future, with you, might, ‘it turns out,’ be cut so cruelly. I knew you were right! I knew you could! “The company’s deputy commander, Rami Barashi, wrote:” You were a smiling child with a joy of life, you were curious and interested. Always asking, not taking things for granted, when something did not seem to you or you did not understand it to the end, you could not escape without a satisfactory answer. Everyone loved you, fan. You were pleasant and comfortable for people, a good boy who was still cooking. Every task you wanted to do with enthusiasm and curiosity. You learned in depth everything, material before research, exercises, etc., deepened in stereotypes and wanted to know the axis before ambushes. Everything is beyond what is required of you. … the fellow fighters who knew you, will forever remember an exemplary figure. In the poem written in his memory, Ayelet Sivan, his classmate, wrote: “Perhaps it was your silence / the aura that enveloped your image, / Perhaps it was the calmness in you / the tenderness and innocence that is your language. // A good and quiet boy who always has peace, / Always help is ready / So how did it happen to us that way, / That you are over and you are no longer here. // The closest circle was limited / But it was friendship of truth, / Now the circle remains orphaned / Difficult to digest the sin. // And the hopes are growing and you have gone forever? “Just do not lose faith between silences / you’ll be back again, Ohad,” wrote Maya Birman, his cousin: “A man does not cherish his hands until he suddenly walks over him. I’m sorry I did not think I’d think it would be tomorrow, / I’m sorry I did not know how to take advantage of every minute, / I’m sorry I did not think the injury would come, / I can not believe it suddenly ended, just like that. / It can not be that it’s over so early. / I’m so sorry for what you have not done / For all the places where you have not yet spent / All the hearts that have not yet broken / All the countries where you have not yet visited / Your children will never be / The thoughts that will never think again / There are millions of screams in my throat that I stop, but I am glad that I knew you, and I am Simcha for the little I had with you. “Itai Bizinian wrote:” The tree is now Crying for fallen fruit / The tree is now hurting a child who will not grow up / A child who is not yet twenty years old has been picked from us and never found alive. / And the parents who know are still waiting / Call that of all the boys / But that lying quietly and in silence / Rest forever in the ground / Still waiting for the door to open / And before them smile Angel son / But he does not arrive and laughter disappeared / And only memory remains with everyone / The black man / you will not be forgotten and we will never forget. “The father wrote, Haim:” They say that one should write a farewell letter. As you recall, I do not know how to write letters-nor do I intend to part from you. You were and will continue to be your only son – the brother of your sisters. You were a model son. Even if it sometimes seemed like a visitI’ve always known that when I have to trust someone, you’ll be there. … I saw in you my successors in the army, in Israel and in life in general. Maybe I did not say that enough, but I was proud of you. Proud of the way you chose, and even in difficult times when people tend to bend, you knew how to stand up, straighten up, mark your next goal and step forward – to choose the right path, even if it was harder. Ohad was a “nature boy” and an environmentalist, and his family chose to commemorate him on topics related to nature and the environment: “Ohad Ochad Zach”, which takes place every year on various tracks in his neighborhood, and the establishment of a “

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