Yizdian, Avraham

Yizdian, Avraham

Abraham, son of Yakut and Rabbi Shimon, was born in 1953 in Teheran. Avraham was drafted into the IDF in early August 1971 and assigned to the Armored Corps workshop as a mechanical locksmith, even after he was drafted, never forgetting his family and always aspiring to be with her. But he was so worried about his family that he often took a leave of absence without permission, to help with the house, and when he returned to base he paid for it. His good character and his willingness to help others. “When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Avi was in the workshop The labor tax was seven times greater than the normal working days, but Avi and his friends were trained and returned to the army many important tools that helped the troops of the fighters, and they worked day and night, without tirelessness and without respite, with endless dedication on the day of Tishrei. 1973), Avi asked his commander for a short vacation to go home and see how the family was doing, but he did not return. He left behind his parents, five sisters and a brother.

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