Yissachar (Siti), Nissan

Yissachar (Siti), Nissan

Nisan, son of Malka and Shimon, was born in 1950 in Baghdad, Iraq, where his family came from Persia, the country of origin, and immigrated to Israel in 1951. He studied at the Chabad elementary school in Jaffa and after He graduated from the Technical Gymnasium in Tel Aviv. Nissan saw his future in education and youth training. Even when he was a student he joined the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement and participated in its activities. He took part in social gatherings, labor camps, trips and trips. Nissan enlisted in the IDF in the middle of August 1968. He successfully completed a course for squad commanders and paratroopers, and was trained as a parachutist, and served in the IDF during the period when the IAF participated in a lot of operational activity and participated in the pursuit After terrorists in the Jordan Valley and in the battles of the War of Attrition in the Suez Canal sector, Nissan was an excellent fighter who fulfilled all the tasks assigned to him, and was accepted by his commanders and Ehud for his comrades in the unit.In late August 1971 Nissan was discharged from regular service and assigned to a reserve unit of the armored infantry. He studied at the Midrasha for youth counselors at Beit Berl in Tzofit and Wasam He served as a youth counselor and coordinator of youth hostels in Beit Shemesh and Bat Yam, and devoted all his energies and energies to working with youth – a work he saw as both a mission and a challenge. He wanted to expand his activities in this field and therefore began to study at the College of Physical Education Teachers’ College in Jerusalem, Kibbutzim College in Tel Aviv. He even managed to integrate his studies in his work as a guide and in charge of the youth centers. Nissan had a rich and sensitive soul. He brought his experiences and feelings to writing and left behind a collection of diaries, including things he wrote and poems that expressed what had happened in his Lev. During the Yom Kippur War, his unit participated in the battles of containment and infiltration against the Egyptians in the Sinai. Nissan participated in the battles for the construction of the bridgehead on the Suez Canal. On October 16, 1973, he was killed and killed by enemy shelling of our forces in the area of ​​Dever Suer, west of the Canal, and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Holon, leaving behind his parents, two brothers and four sisters. .

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