Yehuda Lifshitz

Yehuda Lifshitz

Son of Nili and Elimelech, Yehuda was born on the 24th of Tishrei 5724 (24.9.1963) in Tel Aviv and attended the “Carmel” elementary school, where he moved to Ra’anana and Yehuda, where he continued his studies there at the State School B. At the Ostrowski School in the city. In his youth, he was active in the scouts movement, as an apprentice and afterwards as a guide, and was one of the active supporters of the Scouts in Raanana. However, despite his commitment to these pursuits, he found free time to devote his favorite tennis game to trips in Israel, and especially loved the sea and the beach and his hobby of surfing. He was drafted into regular service in January 1982 and assigned to the Engineering Corps. He completed his officers’ training course and became an instructor in the Engineering Engineering course, followed by an officer in operations, and was discharged as a lieutenant, and his friends in the service appreciated him as a dear and beloved friend, devoid of any competitive ambition and radiant calm in his pleasant expression. And in extreme situations of extreme pressure. “After his discharge from the IDF, he applied to economics studies at Tel Aviv University. On the 8th of Cheshvan 5751 (November 8, 1990), Judah fell in a battle north of Jericho, near the village of Auja, leading a force in front of a terrorist squad crossing the Jordan River with the intention of reaching Jerusalem and carrying out a mass attack. Them at dawn. In the exchange of fire with the squad, Yehuda was hit and fell. He was laid to rest in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery. Survived by his parents and two brothers – Nir and Itai. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, Defense Minister Moshe Arens wrote about Judah’s wisdom and for keeping all the tasks he was assigned seriously and accurately. Yehuda wrote about Yehuda’s performance in this operation, saying that Judah had blocked the advance of the terrorists in his body, while displaying resourcefulness, courage, speed of response and control over the forces. Moreover, his comrades-in-arms, commanders and subordinates saw Judah as a brother and warrior, a man of spirit and pleasant. He was promoted to captain after his death. His friends immortalized his name in Gilead, which they established in the Jordan Valley where he fell. In addition, a tree was planted in his memory in the forests of the Jewish National Fund by the Jewish Students Organization in Rome.

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    Relationship: Family member

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