Yehieli, Yogev

Yehieli, Yogev

Ben Cheli and Doron. Born on July 26, 1985. In Haifa, a younger brother of Guy, a second grandchild of two great-grandparents, and a great-grandson of two of his grandparents, Yogev joined the IDF on March 8, 2004 – a significant date in his family, and his father began workingAt the World Federation of WIZO in Tel Aviv, on the anniversary of his parents’ marriage, and on the day Yogev died two years later, Yogev served in the Glilot intelligence base near Herzliya. Was unable to adapt to distance from home, to shifts, to guard duty and to the military framework in general, although his commanders, who frequented the family home, contributed greatly to the security of the state, but he concluded with a short sentence: “Today I did something that will be recorded in the history books. “He tried to distract his distress by means of” comics “(65 in total), which he distributed on the site dedicated to this unit. “Comics” in which he described his moods with regard to various events he experienced, both in his family and at the base, but as soon as he discovered that the works had spread to unplanned destinations, he ceased distributing them – to the dismay of his colleagues in the unit. Passed the tests for acceptance to the staff of writing the weekly – the weekly explanation column of the guys, which was distributed in the unit on Thursdays, and began to write on the site and shared his family in some of the satirical passages written there. Yogev was happy when the table of despair he prepared for the family’s move to Herzliya ended in August 2005. At the same time, he left the base and went to sleep and eat at home in Herzliya. He spent many evenings with his friends, took full advantage of the appointment to the Cinematheque in Tel Aviv and it seemed that a good time was passing through him. On the 8th of Adar 5766 (8 March 2006), Yogev fell in the line of duty at the age of 20. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Herzliya, leaving his parents and brother,

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