Yedid (Freundlich), Shmuel (“Sam”)

Yedid (Freundlich), Shmuel (“Sam”)

Son of Haim and Chava. He was born on June 10, 1942 in Kyrgyzstan, Russia. In his first years, the boy lived in difficult conditions. His father was sent to a labor camp away from home and then went to the army. The boy was raised by his mother starving and destitute. Only at the age of four did his mother return to Poland when his father was already there – and then his life conditions changed. In 1949, the family arrived in Israel and in the early years of his education in elementary school, his tendency toward mathematics was evident. His knowledge of the account was rewarded. He studied at the high school in Kiryat Haim and completed his studies in the real-world track. It should be noted that learning the material was easy for him. He absorbed the material and prepared his lessons easily, so he took time to devote himself to his hobbies, because he had enough time to devote himself to the Hashomer Hatzair youth movement and to the Gadna air force. He also liked to read a lot – not just classical literature but also literature from the different sciences – both those related to mathematics and social sciences, he was interested in sports and had been swimming for hours on end, and he had never wasted time, He was diligent in everything he did and was diligent in his studies and work In August 1960 and volunteered, of course, to the air force. He devoted his first year to studying electronics (by mail) and always found time to do so. From time to time he would discover a new unfamiliar terrain and begin to take an interest in him by reading literature in this area to the extent that his library was full. He was modest in his ways of life and did not attach much importance to his talents and knowledge. A good friend was very dedicated and Simcha to help others. He was also willing to fight for justice and did not pass silently what he thought was a distortion. He kept his principles and was not prepared to go through them. In the army he reached the rank of captain. He did not say much about what was going on in the army. Samuel was a devoted son to his parents and all his soul was connected to them. He began his studies at the Hebrew Technion in Haifa before the Six-Day War. After fulfilling one dream in his life – being a pilot – he began to embroider his second dream: studying mathematics at the Technion. At the end of the Six-Day War, the second year exams were held at the Technion, and despite the experience of the difficult war and the lack of time to prepare for the exams, they did succeed, even though they had been close to six years since graduating from high school. He financed his studies with the money he had saved from his military service. This last fact attests to the nature of Shmuel as a son, who cared for his parents at all times and was associated with them with great love, without wanting to burden himself with them. He managed to study at the Technion for two years, and in the summer he returned to the army for a certain course, but suddenly a new decision appeared in his Lev. He decided to ask for leave from the Technion and return to the Air Force for a certain period. During the same period, on the 14th of Adar 5739 (13.3.1969), Shmuel fell in the line of duty and did not have time to realize his plan until the end of his life. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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