Yablocnik, Shevach

Yablocnik, Shevach

Son of Rivka and Yonah. He was born in 1919 in Alexandria, Egypt, where his parents were expelled from the Land of Israel by the Turks during World War I. At the age of one year he returned to Israel with his parents, who settled in Jerusalem, where he studied in a “cheder” and a Talmud Torah. After completing his studies there, he joined the Haganah in the city, took part in various courses, served as a guard in the Nutrim army and was among the immigrants on Hanita in 1938. In the ranks of the Haganah, he went out every night to guard West Jerusalem during the days of bloody riots. He was involved in public activity and was attracted to literature. During one of the Haganah courses he was wounded by shrapnel in his right forearm, and after weeks of suffering he died on 14 Tishrei, September 27, 1939. He was twenty-two years old when he died. He was brought to rest on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, and his father eulogized him, saying: “Behold, I brought the beginning of my fruit, my firstborn son, I fulfilled the mitzvah of bringing the first fruits.”

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