Wolman, Pinchas

Wolman, Pinchas

Son of Riza and Gabriel. Born in 1895 in Bramche, Bessarabia, his mother died when he was a baby, and in 1905, when he was 9 years old, his father was killed during a pogrom in the city of Bermeza. He joined the Tse’irei Zion movement and joined the Tzeirei Tzion movement at the age of 16. After the war he returned to Bessarabia, where he joined the army and took part in the war. In 1919, he returned to Eretz Israel and was sent to the Upper Galilee, and in 1920 he took part in the defense of Tel Hai, when Trumpeldor was wounded. He later joined the Gdud Ha’avoda and worked in a tower in the Lower Galilee and later left the battalion and did various jobs in the moshavot, and in 1926 he married a member of the battalion and went to work in Haifa and then in Jerusalem. On the 17th of Av, 23.8.1929, a day after the evacuation of the children and women from Ramat Rachel, the spot he was standing in was attacked by Arabs who stormed it from within a hiding place of rocks around it. Pinchas was one of the few who protected the spot from the only concrete building that stood there. He climbed onto the roof of the barricade building to better see the attackers and was hit by a bullet in the stomach. With the last of his strength he left the roof, and a few hours later died of his wounds at Hadassah Hospital. He was buried on the Mount of Olives. He left a wife and a daughter. His widow Zippora fell in Ramat Rachel during the War of Independence.

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