Wolf, Bernhard

Wolf, Bernhard

Son of Kate and Samuel. He was born in 1881 in Glasgow, Scotland, and joined the Jewish Legion, the 38th Regiment of King’s Legion, in England, where he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. He arrived in Eretz Israel and was seriously injured in an accident in the Efraim Mountains near the villages of Abuin and Gilgilia. On the 11th of Av 5718 (July 20, 1918) he died of his wounds. He was praised for his heroism, which led to his death, and he was remembered in the book “With the Jewish Battalions in the Land of Israel.” Wolf was immortalized in “The Book of Recognition for British Jewry 1914-1918” by Rabbi Michael Adler of The Jabotinsky Institute and the “Brigades House” in Avihail.

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