Winkler, Boaz (Bozik)

Winkler, Boaz (Bozik)

Son of Leah and Aharon Zvi, was born on May 13, 1926 in Jerusalem. He was nine months old from his father. He studied at the Tachkemoni School in Jerusalem and continued to study at the Hebrew Gymnasium there. In his youth he dealt with the collection of the plants of the earth, fossils and antiquities. With his classmates he went to labor and training camps every summer. He spent his year of service (1943) in Degania Bet and Ein Gev, and at the end of that year he was accepted as a student at the Hebrew Technion in Haifa and completed his studies as a construction engineer in 1947. He was active in the Student Union and participated in its literary expenses. At the end of 1947 he received an assistant position as an assistant in the Hydrological Laboratory of the Technion. He was going to continue his hydrology course. Boaz was a member of the Haganah during his studies at the Jerusalem Gymnasium. After the United Nations General Assembly decided to divide the country into two states on November 29, 1947, he held guard posts in the Carmel and in the old commercial center, and in February 1948 he returned to Jerusalem for full service, where he was appointed officer in the old Yemin Moshe neighborhood of Shama and Beit Tannos. He also tried to fit a two-inch mortar into a flat trajectory for use as an anti-tank weapon. He participated in the conquest of Mount Zion, planned its fortifications and executed them. He participated in the breakout of the Zion Gate and at the beginning of the first truce he participated for a short time in paving the Burma Road. On the afternoon of Saturday, 20 June 1948, he came to the aid of some of his men who had entered the area near the Zion Gate, and during the evacuation of the mines, one of them exploded and three, two lightly, and Boaz, their rescuer, were wounded. He was buried in Sanhedria on the 8th of Cheshvan 5711 (8.11.1951) and was transferred to the eternal military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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