Wieder, Wolf
Son of-Esther and Yom-Tov was born in 1930 in northern Romania in the area of Jewish roots and labor, and in 1935 immigrated to Israel with his parents in a convoy of rural Jews from the Carpathians who were brought by the ” After completing his studies at the religious school “Tachkemoni” in Rehovot he studied diamond polishing in Netanya for a year, and although he excelled in a quick perception and had a good future in the profession, he returned home because his parents needed his help at work at home and in the farm, He was hired to work paper cutting near the house and after eight hours worked in the farm and at home, washing dishes In the winter of 5706, his parents began to build their own home in the streets, and he also tended to litter the bricks, turn off lime, and help with casting. In March 1948 he was drafted with his brother to serve the motherland. From the training we will send convoys to Jerusalem, to the village of Uriya and to the south, and to attack the surrounding villages: Akir, Mughar, Qubaybah, Zarnoga and others. After completing his training, he was included in a company of one of the Givati Brigade battalions and participated in the operations of the south (Babish, Yavneh, Masmiya, Kastina, etc.). During the battles in the Judean Hills (Latrun, Shaar Hagai, Burma Road, Kfar Uriah, Beit Jiz, etc.) he excelled bravely, willingly to endure hardships and help the weak. On one of the patrols, when his squad had to retreat from a superior enemy force and the inability to call for help, he remained the last to cover the retreating machine gun with the machine gun until the enemy came close, and finally he remained without cover, retreating under cross fire and returning fire to the enemy. His bullets were shot and several bullets exploded but he was unhurt, and he found physical and mental ability to carry on his shoulders a friend who was lying on the ground in a muscle contraction and return him with his weapon to the base. After the truce he participated in many battles in Hatta, Kertia, Beit-Afa, Ibdis, Sufir, and Julis, and excelled in the defense of Negba and in the attack on the Iraqi-Suwaidan police. Finally he fell in Operation Yoav to the Negev, (19.10.1948). He was laid to rest at the Warburg military cemetery.