Weissbin, Aaron (Ronia)

Weissbin, Aaron (Ronia)

He was born in 1905 in Russia and immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1923 after wandering for five years on his way to Israel with his family, joining the Scout movement. His friends nicknamed him Ronka. He worked with great devotion to the preservation of the settlement and its fields, after which he returned to Tel Aviv where he worked in the building, knew periods of lack of work but did not lose his good spirit. Among the first volunteers to Magen David Adom and the Fire Brigade, he joined the Haganah in 1925 and specialized in assembling weapons. He founded a family in 1934. In 1940 he was one of the fifteen members of the cooperative who enlisted in accordance with the call of the National Institutions of the British Transport Corps, and in the army he was known among his friends as pleasant, one who was among those besieged in Tobruk in the Western Desert, also specialized in repairing machine guns and assembling new machine guns from parts that were found in the area, and at every opportunity handed over weapons he collected for the Haganah at great risk. On the 12th of Sivan 5702 (28.5.1942) he was killed in a car accident on the Ismailia road in Egypt. He was buried in Fayyad, Egypt. He left parents, a wife and two children. In the Yom Kippur War (1973), his son, Itamar, found his father’s grave in Egypt and returned his bones to the Land of Israel for eternal rest in the Petach Tikva cemetery. His memoirs were published in Davar; In the journal Bamahane, the “Book of the Press” in the “Volunteer Book” and the Hebrew Soldier’s booklet.

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