Weinstock, Zvi

Weinstock, Zvi

Son of Chaya and David, was born in December 1925 in Vienna, the capital of Austria. He was educated in a public school in Vienna and in “Yeshiva” in the city of Nuitra, Slovakia, where his father was deported to Dachau in December 1939. After the father’s death, the mother and son left on the way to Eretz Israel. The Danube River arrived in Yugoslavia in December 1939. In the spring of 1941, Zvi immigrated to Israel, where his mother remained in a foreign country, and the trail disappeared.In the religious youth village where he was educated when he immigrated to Israel, he joined a kibbutz group and moved to Kibutz Yavneh. He concentrated on the cultural activities of the group and worked with the local youth guidance and education The youth who left Jerusalem, took the university entrance exams, began his studies in agriculture and physics, and specialized in radio, and organized a regular listening network for British armored vehicles, and dealt with the military radio system on Mount Scopus. The road to Mount Scopus passed through the Arab neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, and when the war broke out, the movement was made available to a mountain in caravans guarded by the British army On the morning of April 13, 1948, a convoy left for Mount Scopus , After the British promised that the road was open and safe. The convoy encountered an Arab ambush in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and hundreds of Arabs hurled heavy gunfire at it. Some of the vehicles managed to get out and come back, but two buses, an ambulance and a escort vehicle were ambushed. For many hours the convoy members fought and tried to prevent the Arabs from approaching the vehicles. Fire from our positions in the city and Mount Scopus, as well as armored vehicles sent to the area, failed to help the convoy. British military forces in the area did not intervene and did nothing to help, despite appeals to them. In the afternoon, the Arabs managed to set fire to two buses on their passengers, and only late in the evening did the Russians intervene and rescue the survivors from the trapped vehicles, and on April 13, 1948, Tzvi fell in this convoy to Mount Scopus, and was buried in the grave – Brothers in the cemetery in Sanhedria

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