Weinstock, Shmuel-Yanai

Weinstock, Shmuel-Yanai

Son of Shulamit and Joseph, was born on 15.8.1962 in Geneva, Switzerland. In March 1968, Yanai and his parents immigrated to Israel. The family lives in the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood of Jerusalem, and in this neighborhood Shmuel began his studies at the Maimon religious public school. He continued to study at the Nativ Meir High School in Beit-Gan. At a young age, Yanai joined the Bnei Akiva movement and was very active in his “tribe” activities. He was interested in what was going on in Israel, and when the peace treaty was signed with Egypt he opposed the evacuation of all of Sinai. Jannaeus joined the Tehiya youth movement and took part in activities designed to demonstrate opposition to the peace agreement. He also joined the settlers of Alon Moreh. Everything about Palestine was loved by him. Yanai traveled a lot in Israel, and in high school he chose the subject of Eretz Israel as his subject. In the 11th grade, Yanai was among the initiators and founders of the “Gilad” Nahal unit, which was intended to settle in Mehola, in the Jordan Valley. On the days between his graduation from school and his enlistment in the IDF, he went to study at the Kiryat Shmona Yeshiva, where the northern town was subject to repeated shelling by the terrorist Katyushas, ​​and on January 8, 1981, Yanai was recruited to serve in the IDF as part of the Nahal Brigade to which he belonged. And on the night of 25.12.1982 he left with a unit for a patrol in the direction of the division headquarters, and on the way back the unit encountered fire from a terrorist ambush, Yanai was wounded in the head, On December 27, 1982. He was 20 years old when he died, and Defense Minister Moshe Arens wrote to his family: “Yanai was a brave fighter, an exemplary friend, He loved the Land of Israel and the People of Israel. His comrades-in-arms liked him. “The commander of his unit wrote:” During his year in the battalion as a combat soldier, he turned out to be a devoted fellow to his people and was willing to invest above and beyond in order to carry out any mission. He was whole with himself and with all his actions during the entire ‘Peace for Galilee’ war. His wish and will throughout his life were the realization of Zionism, for which immigration and settlement were in all parts of the Land of Israel. “Yanai was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, Kiryat Moshe in Jerusalem

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