Wallach, Ephraim-Fishel

Wallach, Ephraim-Fishel

Son of Zelda and Simcha, was born on the 7th of Adar 1929 in the town of Bilgoraj, Poland. He studied in a “cheder” and in a Polish elementary school. At the beginning of the World War, his father was killed and the six-person family was driven from the burned-out town of Ukraine: Siberia, Ural, Kazakhstan. In all places the boy worked hard to save the mother and the family from starvation. In Siberia he worked in the forests and in Kazakhstan, in a kolkhoz far from the city of 120 kilometers, where he studied white for the peasants and helped the peasants to build houses and work in the farm, He went to the camps of his movement in Germany and joined the “Aliyat Hanoar Hadati” convoy that sailed to Israel aboard the “Exodus 1947”, the famous “Exodus.” He took part in the struggle of the immigrants for the right of the Jews to immigrate. When he returned with the immigrants to Germany, his mother persuaded him to wait in a “kibbutz” set up in a camp in Germany until he could immigrate with his sisters legally, but he could not wait and explained to his mother that he had to immigrate first to prepare a place for her and the whole family. In February 1948 he arrived in Israel on an illegal immigrant ship and immediately arrived at the service. His mother wrote that he got along at work. Efraim-Fishel served in a religious company in one of the battalions in the Alexandroni Brigade and participated in the “Big Triangle”, “Little Triangle”, Petach Tikvah, Migdal Tzedek, Beit-Naballah, etc. He had managed to see his two sisters who had arrived in Israel for the time being, but his mother did not have time to see him again, only to hear that he had fought bravely until he fell. As part of Operation Horev, a “liquidation” operation was carried out against the “Faluja pocket,” in which an Egyptian brigade was besieged. The attack took place on the eastern flank of the “pocket” in the area of ​​Iraq al-Manshiyya. The Alexandroni forces broke into the village from the south and took over part of it, but their assault on the hill north of the village was repulsed. Meanwhile, the Egyptians recovered and attacked and forced our forces to withdraw. Part of the force was trapped inside the village. In this battle he fell on the 28th of Kislev 5709 (December 28, 1948). He was buried in Faluja. After a while he was put to rest at the Nahalat Yitzhak Military Cemetery.

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