Vilozny, Moshe

Vilozny, Moshe

Was born on 16.11.1917 in the city of Ostrolenka, Poland, where he studied at the “Yavneh” Hebrew religious school, and when the family moved to Lomza he continued his studies there. In 1934 he immigrated to Israel with his family, who settled in Tel Aviv, where he studied frameworks, worked and helped support the family, and at the same time was active as a member and instructor in the ” Bnei Akiva. “In 1936 he joined the Haganah, conducted the training diligently and devotedly, maintaining the Sabbath and other values ​​of tradition, but in his service in guarding and defense he knew only one goal: He worked for the Hatzofeh newspaper and then helped his father in the workshop to furnish furniture and tin and iron tools, and in the meantime he started to make his home. Mizrahi “and” Hagana. “When the War of Independence began in the winter of 1948, he fulfilled his obligation to protect the borders of Tel Aviv in his neighborhood (the Shapira neighborhood). On the 29th of Adar 2, 5708 (March 29, 1948), on his way home from guarding the city limits, he was hit by an Arab sniper shot and fell. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak. He left a wife and two children.

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