Vertenstein, Yeshayahu

Vertenstein, Yeshayahu

Son of Loti and Abraham, was born on May 5th, 1931, in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, and attended the Malbim religious school.
After the liberation of Romania from the Nazi occupation, his parents sent him to Israel’s “Youth Aliyah”, and through Istanbul, Anatolia and Syria came to Israel on the train on 22.10.1944. Two years later, his parents arrived in Israel on the escape route and the illegal immigration to Palestine. Yeshayahu went to the front and served in the Givati ​​Brigade as a saboteur in the war against the gangs and against the Egyptian invader until he fell on the 25th of Iyar 5708 (June 3, 1948) near Zarnuga, where he was laid to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Rehovot.

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