Tzivyon, Abba

Tzivyon, Abba

Abba, son of Sarah and Aryeh, was born on the 26th of Sivan 5714 (26.6.1954) in Rehovot. He studied at the Beit Yehezkel Elementary School in Ashkelon, where his family lived, and completed his studies at the Reali High School in Haifa. Abba, whom his father called Avi, was an outstanding student mainly in mathematics. He had a quick perception, excellent memory capacity and great curiosity. He always wanted to expand his knowledge in as many areas as possible. By nature, he had a clear and thorough way of thinking and the ability to concentrate on his actions. Thanks to these qualities, he achieved excellent achievements in his studies. From his youth he was an avid sports enthusiast and interested mainly in football. He devoted his spare time to studying sports history, reading books and newspapers, and collecting articles and photographs on special events in football. When he was eleven, his father died, and this changed the course of his life and caused him to mature prematurely. He left his home and went to Haifa, where he lived in a family home and attended the “Reali” high school. In doing so, he realized a dream of his late father, who wanted his son to attend this school. He excelled in adulthood and unaccustomed maturation for boys his own age, worked his way on his own, managed to fill what he lacked in the material and achieved excellent grades. He was involved in social life, was interested in politics and economics, and believed that the younger generation should take an active part in managing the country and shaping its image. He sharply criticized many of his colleagues who were indifferent to what was going on around them and refused to participate in political life. Before he was drafted into the IDF he worked as a construction worker, helped his family and saved a sum of money, and when he was in military service, he began studying and preparing for university entrance exams. After basic training he was trained to serve as a tank crew member and was sent to serve in a tank battalion in Sinai. He was a dedicated soldier, admired by his commanders and friends, modest in his ways and always ready to help anyone. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, he and his comrades were sent to the Suez Canal to participate in stopping the Egyptian forces crossing the Suez Canal. In one of the battles that took place in the northern sector on October 6, 1973, Avi was killed and killed, he was brought to eternal rest in the Ashqelon cemetery and left behind a mother and two brothers. The commander of the unit: “My late father served in an armored unit as a tank driver and was admired by his comrades and commanders.” On Tishrei 5734, his team went out with the entire unit to stop the enemy. In this battle, Avi fell in the line of duty. When he died, he ordered us to live. “

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