Tzadikian, Herzl

Tzadikian, Herzl

Herzl, son of Rivka and Ezra, was born on April 18, 1953, in a shack in Kiryat Malachi. When he finished his studies and became an electrician, he had another year left before he enlisted in the IDF, and he began to work, initially as an assistant to a technician and later as an electronics technician. He loved music and during leisure time used to play guitar, combining singing and playing together, and in his relations with his friends he excelled in his willingness to help others and was a devoted and loved friend. He took various naval courses and became a combat soldier. After serving in the army for a year, he was sent to a course in communications. He completed his studies with honors, returned to his battalion and served as a combat soldier, with the radio on his back and weapons in his hands. He was a good soldier, loyal and dedicated to his job, and did everything he was entrusted with efficiently, meticulously, and to the satisfaction of his commanders. When the Yom Kippur War broke out and Mt. Hermon was taken over by the Syrians, his battalion was sent to try and conquer it. The battle was very difficult. Herzl and his friends were forced to climb to the top of the mountain in a slow crawl, finding shelter from the bullets that the Syrians had thrown from the heights of the mountain. In this battle, on the 26th of Tishrei 5734 (October 22, 1973), Herzl was injured and killed. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents, three brothers and four sisters. After his fall, he was given the rank of sergeant.

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