,אֵ-ל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים, שׁוכֵן בַּמְּרומִים, הַמְצֵא מְנוּחָה נְכונָה
,עַל כַּנְפֵי הַשְּׁכִינָה בְּמַעֲלות קְדושִׁים, טְהורִים וְגִבּורִים
כְּזֹהַר הָרָקִיעַ מַזְהִירִים, לְנִשְׁמות חַיָּלֵי צְבָא הֲגָנָה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל
,אֵ-ל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים, שׁוכֵן בַּמְּרומִים, הַמְצֵא מְנוּחָה נְכונָה
,עַל כַּנְפֵי הַשְּׁכִינָה בְּמַעֲלות קְדושִׁים, טְהורִים וְגִבּורִים
כְּזֹהַר הָרָקִיעַ מַזְהִירִים, לְנִשְׁמות חַיָּלֵי צְבָא הֲגָנָה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל
Ida and Aaron’s eldest son. Brother to Sivan and Likhir. He was born on the 13th of Adar 2, 5741 (19.3.1981) in Ashdod, where he grew up and was educated. “A child who wishes every mother,” his mother summarizes, “a pleasant and pleasant child, always smiling, loving a person, nature and life, and giving is his second name.” Already in his early childhood, Moses – “Chico” or “Moshiko” – was known by his lovers – because he had many talents, because he was very creative and had a particularly high intelligence. Moshe was a great painter, and at the age of four he was awarded the title of “Young Artist” by the mayor. The art teacher hesitated to accept a young child in the painting department, but after he realized his abilities he agreed to teach him, and so Moshe became acquainted with all the techniques of painting and produced more and more amazing works. Belgo also discovered expertise, knew how to copy the photographed models accurately, and when he dismantled them, he composed sophisticated structures, the product of his imagination. Moshe was one of the graduates of the first grade of the Nof Yam Elementary School in Ashdod’s Ashdod neighborhood, where he met Aviv Hakani, who met after nine years of absence and studied at the “Comprehensive High School”. Moshe was an outstanding student who stood out in his imagination, his memory and his excellent technical ability. He quickly assimilated the material he learned, and achieved high grades, even though he did not study for tests at all. Reading books was a second nature to Moses, and as a real “book worm” he would read several books at the same time. He was a subscriber to National Geographic, and thus explored the world. He had a great love for aviation; As a child, he liked to build and fly kites, later on he participated in a crafting circle, and when he grew up he became a regular reader of the Air Force magazine. His extensive knowledge of aircraft allowed Moshe to identify any aircraft flying in the sky, to classify it, and to determine its production year. Moshe was also blessed with a propensity for languages; He was a Spanish speaker, and as someone who strove to enrich his education and knowledge, he taught himself Russian and even mastered the ramifications of the Aramaic language. Music was always in the background and accompanied him wherever he went; Classical guitar was his favorite instrument, and he taught himself to play it, by hearing only. As a teenager, Moshe discovered the world of comics and was captivated by his charms. He began researching the field in depth, collecting comics from around the world, and began to draw comics himself. At the same time, his English was very boisterous, for the comics that accompanied the texts required an understanding of their subtle and subtle humor. In those years he used to decorate the school’s publications with funny comics, and on the school shirts, which were boring to his liking, he put his hand and made a mark. And of course the illustration of the period books was entrusted to him. Later, as a cadet in an officers’ course, Moshe lectured for three hours about the comic and its essence. Everyone got excited by the fascinating and instructive lecture he gave – both the cadets and the commanders. Moshe’s abundant creativity, which he knew to improvise, guide and teach, merged with his tendency to precision, order and organization. His notebooks were always neat and clean, decorated with eye-catching illustrations – “like a pharmacy,” says Ida, the mother, and his friends were the main tool through which they learned for tests. In sports, he was a member of the volleyball team whose successes made waves. He labored to improve his physical fitness, loved rappelling, learned diving and reached a high level that allowed him to dive deep. Moshe was described as a quiet, modest and gentle person, yet as a kind of leader who stands firm and determined in his decisions. The inner peace that blessed him instilled confidence in those around him, and in combination with the vast general knowledge that he enjoyed, served as a significant and authoritative figure. “Even as a child, he showed his maturity,” the parents say, and say that at the parents’ meetings he was delighted by the compliments he had been given – “a brilliant student,The level of the class, “said the teachers, who spoke of a loyal friend whose heart was wide and open, his ear was wise and his advice was wise and good, and about a man who spoke to everyone” at eye level. ” When, for example, he was offered a new garment, he would say, “What does it matter – I am me, and not the garment makes me …” and when he received a present he kept it as if it were a precious treasure. Was able to appreciate and take advantage of the pleasures of life, enjoyed a good restaurant, and was a well-known candy lover – especially cola-flavored candy and energy snacks … Moshe had a close relationship with family members He had great respect for his parents, and when they talked, he lowered his head and listened, and they gave him absolute trust and were proud of the great knowledge he had curtailed: “Every question had a response to Moses,” says his mother, and says that even in matters of customs and tradition, He loved Sivan and loved them, gave them values, and gave them treats and gifts, an unforgettable moment when he, when he was about six years old, was born with his birthright, His sister, climbed up on a stool and declared: “Mama, thank you for bringing me a baby!” And later, nobly gave up his private room for her. But Sivan, who was involved with her older brother, demanded that at least the nights be spent together and that his bed was returned to her room … Before the enlistment Moshe made a big trip to the United States, where he visited his uncle, his mother’s brother. He stayed there for a month and a half, enjoyed and spent the millennium, celebrated in Las Vegas, where Amos returned with photographs and experiences. On 21 March 2000, he enlisted with his good friend Aviv to the Combat Engineering Corps. Here their ways parted, but the warm connection was maintained all the time. Even after he enlisted, Moshe did not cease to cultivate his spiritual world. His friends say that at night, when everything fell into a deep sleep, Moshe would “steal” a few more minutes of reading with a flashlight on his forehead and the blanket covering over, so as not to disturb the others. As a walking encyclopedia, they would hide the crossword puzzles, which would otherwise have been solved immediately. After completing his basic training, Moshe continued to the course of squad commanders, who graduated cum laude and was sent to the officers’ course and took two degrees – an outstanding trainee and an outstanding unit trainee. Because of his modesty, he concealed the reason why he was awarded a gold platoon platoon commander, and also a gilded pin. The family became known to the family only after its fall. In his role as engineering officer, Moshe left his mark as a commander who was first and foremost a man, and acquired the love of his soldiers for his uncompromising support for them and for the equal treatment he gave them. Moshe was aware of and attentive to the personal problems of his subordinates and their distress, embraced them warmly and even helped the needy. With one of his pupils he shared his love for sweets, and used to bring him a bag of chocolates every Sunday for a good and successful week. The charisma, creativity, improvisation, and personal charm were all part of his regiment and did not escape the attention of the commanders. In his quiet leadership, he managed to “reset” the soldiers and bring back those who had left her. Moses was always able to say the right word at the right time, thus paving paths to the heart of others. As a result, he was sent to the unit from which the three soldiers, First sergeant Adi Avitan, First sergeant Benjamin (son) Avraham and First Sergeant Omar Su’ad, were kidnapped in 2000 for a mission of consolidation and rehabilitation. The soldiers in the unit say that they found an intelligent commander and an attentive person whose conversations with them contributed greatly to their return to the line. In May 2004, shortly after his release from the IDF, he was already enrolled in art studies at the university in the southern Gaza StripThe Palestinians hit an armored personnel carrier under the command of Captain Aviv Hakani, commander of the unit to locate and detonate smuggling tunnels between Gaza and Egypt. Moshe was shocked, but before he could recover, his commanders turned to him and asked if he would be willing to continue Aviv in the role. His hesitation did not last long. “We were talking about it,” his father said, “We were afraid, but we could not stop him, he signed two more years of permanent residency, and since then we have not had many good nights of sleep.” The Tunnel Officer was one of the main roles in the ongoing fighting in the southern Gaza Strip during the pre-disengagement period. The tunnel crew carried out many sorties into the Philadelphi route – the border area that separated Israel, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority – and uncovered, destroyed and destroyed tunnels dug by the terrorists under the axis to smuggle weapons and weapons. Fighters are exposed to high daily risk. As part of his job, Moshe wrote the combat doctrine in the tunnels used by the fighters to this day. One of Moshe’s immediate tasks was to rehabilitate the team, which suffered a fatal blow to the disaster and lost three friends and an admired commander. After four months in the job, Moshe told the “weekend supplement” of the daily Ma’ariv that the complex task, the daily and sadistic tasks, and the dangers involved: “The task of entering the team was a huge challenge for me. And I knew in advance that the soldiers would examine me closely … but both of them and I knew that we had to move on, and the tasks at hand did not take into account the mourning. ” “Every time we enter a tunnel, it is clear to me that it may be booby-trapped, or there is a danger that it will collapse suddenly, and our work is at a very high risk … We are trying to take precautions, Even when we are not in the field, we do not stop digging at our base. ” On the eve of Rosh Hashanah 5765 – October 2004, about a month before his fall, he discovered the longest tunnel excavated from Egypt to Kfar Darom in the Katif Bloc, which ended in a Beit Midrash, where the discovery of the tunnel prevented an attack and saved lives. A shaft of a tunnel Moshe was sent to inspect the tunnel in order to see that there were no additional charges. In this incident, Moshe Elmaliach was killed and he was wounded from the cargo page and taken to Soroka Hospital. As a result of the explosion, a crater of about 40 square meters was created, and after the explosion, the site was dug to locate the tunnel’s base, He fell to the bottom of the crater, to a depth of nine meters, and began to inspect the tunnel for additional openings, and suddenly the crater wall / dugout that had been dug during the earthworks collapsed and was trapped in a crater. The medical forces saved him, and he died of his wounds, his friend, who was left with his upper body Yoni was shot in the head of the Gaza Division’s Gaza Tunnel Division for seven months, and Moshe fell on the 29th of Kislev 5765 (November 29, 2004) in an operational activity on the Philadelphi route during an operation To find and destroy smuggling tunnels Moshe was twenty-three years old when he fell, and was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Ashdod, leaving his parents, sister and brother, and was promoted to the rank of captain.”The commander of the Engineering Corps told him:” … you entered the shoes of Aviv and you broke into other frameworks as well. You strove to know everywhere … Yesterday the tunnel covered you and the story of your life. You will always be remembered as a modest, simple and wise man. “These soldiers who are there are not just soldiers, but angels. They are doing sacred work, “said Edna Hakani, Aviv’s mother, and Osnat Vishinsky, the mother of Lior who was killed with Aviv, reinforced her words a week and a half earlier, hosting Moshe and three of his friends to the tunnel crew. Moshe was sitting at the dining table in the seat far away from me, his eyes slightly lowered, his smile timid and his whole being saying infinite modesty. … Dear Moshe, I will remember you with your great tenderness that envelops a warm and brave heart. Sends you up I loved Lior. “I lost one of my best friends, the IDF lost one of the best officers in all respects – the ability to do so,” wrote Yigal Maman, a member of the armed forces. The ability to navigate at high levels, the professional ability at an engineering level that no one of his rank and age could acquire, a first-rate intelligence who loved to help everyone and was always there when they needed him. “A memorial group was set up on the social networking site” Facebook “at http://ml-in.facebook.com/group.php?gid=199720480025&v=wall&viewas=0 The values of giving, He was commemorated in many factories: At the entrance to his family’s residential neighborhood, in the area of Tu in Ashdod, a memorial garden was erected, and in a planned location To build an environmental sculpture in the shape of a lotus flower. “Before he fell, Moshe began painting twelve samurai families, and he managed to paint only four families, and their hallmark was the lotus flower,” explains the mother. On his twenty-fifth birthday, cypresses were planted in his memory. Every year, at this time, “Adloyada” is held in Ashdod, with the participation of children and soldiers who bloom balloons according to his years. His friends gather on this day in his parents’ home and raise his memory. The Ofek school established a library in his memory. On Tu B’Shvat, the date on which Moshe won his first prize for his paintings, the school holds a “Painting Workshop” – a drawing competition in his memory, and the school also organizes an institutional sports day in memory of Moshe, The “Savyon Holon” and the “Yacham” High School is held on the eve of Memorial Day for Israel’s Fallen Soldiers on the eve of the songs of the fighters, Beitar Moshe “in Ashdod. His parents preserve his legacy in actions that take place in the light of his image: the adoption of Bar Mitzvah children in the process that accompanies the Chabad House, and the granting of a scholarship to academic studies in honor of bereaved families through the Or Families Association.