Trabelsi, Abraham

Trabelsi, Abraham

Avraham, son of Esther and Moshe, was born on 6 June 1951 in Be’er Sheva and lived with his parents, brothers and sisters in Moshav Sharsheret in the Negev, where he spent his childhood and youth in the kindergarten and the regional religious elementary school “Circles.” After graduating from elementary school, he went to buy knowledge Avraham was drafted into the IDF in August 1969 and assigned to the Armored Corps, after completing basic training, served for a while in the Bar-Lev area in various positions and then completed a course for commanders, After completing these courses, he was appointed sergeant in the Armored Corps unit, and in August 1972 Avraham was discharged from regular service and returned to the moshav for the family farm and helped his parents manage it. “During the Yom Kippur War, Avi fought as a NCO on the southern front. On the day of the 12th of Tishrei 5734 (October 8, 1973), during the battles on the Talisman axis, a shell hit and destroyed his half-track, and three of the half-track men were still alive. The others, including Avi, fell. “On the morning of Monday, I remember Avi wrapped himself in a prayer shawl, put on phylacteries and prayed to the Creator, and we came to the battle zone and we were subjected to heavy shelling for a few hours. We were on the half-track, and suddenly a heavy bombardment began. A shell hit the half-track and smashed it, and I and two others remained alive, Avi and the others were killed. ” He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery on Mount Herzl. He was survived by a father, mother, six brothers and three sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Avraham proved himself to be an excellent professional, courageous and dedicated. In a Torah scroll written in memory of yeshiva students who fell in the war, Avi’s name is also commemorated. In addition, several lists were published in memory of the fallen in a pamphlet published in memory of the fallen, published by the Azza Regional Council and published by the Union of Moshavim, in memory of the fallen members of Hapoel Hamizrachi among.

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