Touboul, Moshe

Touboul, Moshe

Son of Masoud and Aziza. He was born on the 3rd of Shevat, January 21, 1950, in Arpoud, Morocco, and immigrated to Israel in 1955. He studied at the elementary school “Achiezer”. After his mother’s death, he went to the Birenbaum Institute, where he studied for two years, and then moved to the vocational school “Miften”, where he studied carpentry. He belonged to the Gadna, and participated in the four days march. His hobbies were different, such as collecting pictures, ships and flowers. Since his art was carpentry, he made himself a guitar. He naturally gave in to many things, and forgave people easily. He was always willing to help others, and loved the people around him, especially his younger brothers. In February 1968, he was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces, and was assigned to the Armored Corps. As a driver of a commando unit, he rode on a mine, and was killed, on the 7th of Tishrei, September 29, 1968, in the Qantara region of Sinai. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. His commander wrote a letter of condolence to his father, and wrote: “The people of Israel are a nation of suffering, and you joined those thousands of families who, due to the need and protection of the country, lost their loved ones … Perhaps as a commander, I should note that your son Moshe was a good, quiet and disciplined soldier, a soldier who carried out the duties entrusted to him….See Hebrew translation for full letter.

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