Titonowitz, Yosef

Titonowitz, Yosef

Joseph, son of Chana and Moshe-Yehuda, was born on June 28, 1926 in Bolzlevac, Poland, and in 1935 immigrated to Israel with his parents and sister. The family settled in Tel Aviv, where Joseph studied at the elementary school “Ahad Ha’am” and completed high school at the Balfour Gymnasium. Yosef was an excellent student and excelled in the real professions. He was a member of the scouts movement, where he completed a training course and served as a guide until he enlisted in the IDF, and when he was 15, he completed his first national course in the field of physical education, He trained Balfour Gymnasium students in field training, Seder and Kipf training, and joined the Haganah a year later, and after completing his studies, he served as a police officer in Kfar Yona. , Began studying at the School of Law and Economics in Tel Aviv, then the Tel Aviv branch of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. And multi-day slave. Joseph was drafted into the IDF in early May 1948, the unit was placed in contact and has been one of the first courses associate, associate-Munis that begins and ends in Shefayim. As he has always done in every subject he has dealt with, has excelled in this course as well. His instructors, who knew his excellent ability and his wide knowledge, insisted that he stay at the School for Relationship as a guide. When the training base was established on the wireless hill, he was among the first to lay the foundations for its establishment. Where he remained as a liaison until the end of his regular service. At the end of April 1950, Yosef – or Yoske, as they were called – was released from regular service. He continued to serve as a reservist in various liaison units. He participated in Operation Kadesh and in the Six-Day War, and only in the early 1970s was he forced to assume positions in the Haganah, and in this capacity he proved his excellent skills and was appointed chief operator in the district. Joseph specialized in family law as a lawyer. He was one of the best known experts in his field, and in his field of activity he was considered one of the recognized authorities. “We managed to learn the value of the talented, courageous and fighting lawyer who was Yosef. The development of Israeli law has received the contribution of an excellent jurist. All of these were expressed in many important sentences in which he appeared, some of which became milestones in the development of law in Israel, “Yosef’s friends say to the profession, and even after he became famous by profession, he never took a disdainful approach and examined each case as if it were the first. In his profession, he was only a business or a source of livelihood, but also a vocation, and he was always attentive to the wonders of their hearts and tribulations, and was always prepared with an answer, advice and a word of encouragement for each and every person. Since he died of his father at the age of 20, he saw himself as the head of the family and bore the burden of caring for his mother and sister. Even when he was married and the father of three, he continued to be meticulous in his commandment to respect his mother, Ruchama and his children, and was always proud of his warm home, his three sons Moshe, Dror and Amir. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Yosef joined the Haganah unit. In his capacity as chief security officer in the Civil Defense Headquarters, he worked days and nights, and even when he felt aches, he did not complain or abandon his position on October 26, 1973. He died during his service. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Nahalat Yitzhak. He left behind a wife and three sons, a mother and a sister. After his death he was promoted to the rank of sergeant. In a letter of condolences to the bereaved familyMoshe Dayan wrote: “Maj. Gen. Yosef Titnovitz gave his life for his homeland in the Yom Kippur War. He was a dedicated soldier and a loyal friend. “

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