Teradyon (Elmaliach), Elijah (Eli)

Teradyon (Elmaliach), Elijah (Eli)

Eliahu (Eli), son of Rachel and Shlomo, was born on 15.11.1950 in Haifa, where he studied at the Hillel Elementary School in Kfar Shalem and then continued his studies at the vocational school of the Israel Aircraft Industries Eliahu, who was called Eli by his close friends, was orphaned by his mother when he was twelve years old and since then he tried to manage on his own and even prepared his meals for him. After a year he decided to study mechanics and even went to work, and on a working day and in the evening he studied at the Arab High School until he was drafted into the army, He was very well versed in mathematics and grammar, because he had an excellent memory and was able to repeat word for word he heard, and he liked to read various types of literature and devoted himself to reading late into the night. Due to his kindness, his sense of humor and his willingness to help others, Eliahu was drafted into the IDF in early February 1969 and assigned to the Ordnance Corps. After basic training he was trained as an auto mechanic and served in various bases of the Ordnance Corps. Later he worked in field workshops in Sinai as a tank mechanic. His discharge certificate was marked as a dedicated and responsible soldier. After completing his regular service, he was assigned to reserve duty as a car technician in an armament unit. While serving in the army, Eliahu married his girlfriend, Dalia, and after completing his regular service, he worked as a work manager for the radiator and taxi driver at night. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, he immediately called his unit and hurried to report to it. As a car mechanic he had to recruit vehicles. When he saw two days later that he was sitting in the rear while his friends were fighting on the front, he went to Sinai, without even informing his family. In Sinai, he volunteered to transfer ammunition convoys to the Canal Zone, under a barrage of shells, and fulfilled the mission efficiently and courageously. He was even wounded in the leg, but he bandaged himself and continued in his position. On October 20, 1973, when IDF forces broke through the Suez Canal, his truck was hit by heavy shelling and Eliahu was killed and brought to rest in the cemetery in Holon, leaving behind a wife and daughter , A brother and three sisters (a fourth sister was born after his fall and was named after him “Elit”), and was promoted to the rank of sergeant in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family: “He immediately stood out in his loyalty and devotion to his position.”

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