Tankus, Isser

Tankus, Isser

Son of Ita and Yehuda. He was born in 1904 in Grodno, Poland. In due course he was drafted into the Polish army and served there until 1925. After completing his army service, he immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in Zichron Ya’akov. In the 1929 riots he began to work in the Haganah. He used to transfer explosives, which he received from his friends who worked in the quarries, to friends who lived in Karkur, to protect the settlement. On the 23rd of Elul, August 30, 1937, Issur and his good friend, Daniel Stanieckithe went on a routine inspection at the well near Karkur. Isser went down to the depth of the well and Daniel stayed at the mouth of the well. Suddenly shots were fired at Daniel from an ambush set up by Arab rioters and he was killed. When Isser heard the shots, he quickly went to find out what was going on and when he reached the well, he was beaten by the Arabs. He fell into the depths of the well and was killed. The two were brought for burial in a mass grave in Karkur. He was survived by a wife and a brother.

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