Tamam, Yehoram

Tamam, Yehoram

Son of Moshe and Odette. Born in Hadera on January 15, 1959. He studied at the elementary school in Moshav Yanov, then studied at the six-year regional school in Emek Hefer and completed a program of automotive machinery, with the aim of acquiring a profession in which he could serve the agriculture in due time And he always volunteered to help his colleagues in practical work, who told him that “he was not a responsible, serious and cautious person like him at work. He was a member of the youth movement of the moshavim division and participated in all the activities of the nest, was a member of the basketball department and practiced a great deal to maintain his physical fitness, he joined the folk dancing department at his school, and Yoram had many artistic leanings: He had a talent for manual labor, for wood sculpture, for charcoal and color sketches, and for playing the flute and guitar, he was a moshavnik in his body and soul, worked on developing his parents’ farm, cultivated the house and his surroundings and helped build a flower garden. “He wanted to bring machinery into the farm and persuaded his father to buy a new tractor, which he did not win Yehoram was a boy with a solid body, brown-skinned, a cheerful guy, always smiling, and in his love of music and dance, he followed all of them and sang an atmosphere of happiness and joy around him. And was applied to the Ordnance Corps. After basic training and after completing a tank mechanics course, he was sent to the armored brigade as a tank mechanic. At the same time he insisted on the strength of the tank. Enjoys dealing with it and fixing problems in its various systems. “We liked working with him, even though we did not all get it, because we were not all good mechanics like him, and we admired Yehoram’s vast knowledge of mechanics, a great deal of knowledge he managed to acquire in a short course in the IDF.” There was a competition for the orderly soldier in the brigade, no doubt that Yoram would have won first place. He taught us to arrange a cupboard so that we could easily find any object. “Yehoram did not stop thinking about the house and the agriculture throughout his service in the IDF. He visited his home at every opportunity and worked for an agricultural holiday to help with the farm. On Friday, February 13, 1978, Yehoram fell to the cemetery in Moshav Yanov, leaving behind his parents, two brothers and a sister, and in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: They all acted. He was unique in his customs and manner. He was a great professional. Innocent, but a mature man in his way and strong in spirit and faith. “

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