Tal, Hagai

Tal, Hagai

Ben Yair and Gadi. Born on 10 November 1985 in Kibbutz Gvulot, a beautiful boy who learned to speak at a very early age and used rich and varied language, Hagai had an amazing memory at an early age, and at the age of three he knew many of the names of the cars and tractors on the kibbutz. Hagai corrected her with endless patience, and Hagai loved nature and enjoyed walking around with his father on a tractor, but it was only natural that his birthday at the age of two gave his parents a toy tractor and “galloped” Like all the children of Kibbutz Artzi, in a joint education and dormitory, the entire group of children returned to the children’s home He promised her that he would be her friend, and promised that she would be her friend in the summer of 1990. In the summer of 1990, she moved to Karkur, and lived in a condominium for the first year Hagai, Who for the first time in his life saw real money, summed up the differences between the kibbutz and Karkur: “On the kibbutz when you want an artik, you go to a karkur, take a little money and go to the grocery store. “In the winter of 1990, the Gulf War broke out, and Hagai, like many other children, was disgusted by the need,” he said. Wear the AV mask. He expressed his anger at the war six months later, when the extended family went on a trip in the north and bought Iraqi pita for lunch at one of the villages. Hagai promised: “Do not touch Saddam’s pita bread!” In November 1991, Hagai had a younger sister, Daniel. Hagai welcomed her to the family, protected her every opportunity, and created a special relationship with her that was reserved for the brothers. In his soul-searching he shared his opinions and doubts. In September 1992, Hagai began to study first grade at the Karkur State High School. After completing his studies in 1998, he moved to the agricultural high school in Pardes Hannah, where he graduated in 2004 as a second generation high school graduate. At the very beginning of his studies, Hagai was diagnosed with dyslexia and learning disabilities, which hindered his progress with the rest of the class. The family, a wide educational team and therapists accompanied him throughout his studies at school, when Hagai learns to identify problems and cope with them with increasing success until the completion of the matriculation exams. Through him, he was highly regarded by his friends, teachers, and administrators. Hagai was an athlete in his way of life, consistent sports behavior and extensive knowledge. He was doing judo, basketball and table tennis, and he had suffered a loss or a victory in the same businesslike spirit. He remained modest even when his room filled with a large number of medals, from various table tennis tournaments. From the age of ten, he became an avid fan of Maccabi Haifa in soccer. Watched many games and managed to “infect” Daniel and his mother with this love, who even went with him to several home games. Here, too, he displayed sporting hags and encouraged his team in a positive way, without going into arguments with the opposing team. In addition, he demonstrated extensive knowledge of all Maccabi games in the past, in the rest of the league, and was also knowledgeable in European football. The State of Israel was loved by Hagai the most. His loyalty was fully and comprehensively, but at the same time Haggai was very sober. Nationalism never degenerated into nationalism, and the suffering of the neighboring people was met with pain. The need for a compromise between the two peoples was nurtured by Hagai at his parents’ home from an early age, and he expressed it again and again, in education classes and other circles. Despite his youth, the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin affectedAnd convinced him that political debates should not spill over into violence. Each year he participated in the “Rabin race” which is shared by the Pardes Hanna Agricultural High School and the Electric Company. The length of the race is about 10 kilometers from the Orot Rabin station to the agricultural school, and Hagai finished it dripping with sweat, with a small smile of excitement, relief and a little satisfaction, On August 12, 2004, Hagai was drafted into the IDF, was assigned to the Military Police and began training in basic training. 13. On the 10th day of Tishrei 5766, Hagai was drafted into the IDF, On September 24, 2004, Hagai fell in the line of duty and is still not nineteen years old. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Pardes Hannah. Survived by his parents and two sisters. The unit commander eulogized him: “At the time when we got to know Hagai, we discovered a calm, sensitive and caring person who helped and helped others and stood out in their desire to strengthen and move forward.” Hagai was assigned to the course of dealing with detainees in the territories, Nature and the environment around you, and thus radiate the warmth and tenderness that overwhelmed you. “

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