Sussman, Gilad

Sussman, Gilad

The eldest son of Yael and Moshe Yehuda. Born on December 19, 1979 in Kfar Sava, During the years of his youth, he volunteered for two years in Kav LaChaim and helped young people with CP.In March 2000, during his third year of study at the Yeshiva, Gilad enlisted in full-time military service in Paratroopers. During his service he fought Operation Defensive Shield and participated in many other operations. At the end of his military service, Gilad enlisted in the Shin Bet security service and worked as a senior security guard at Ben-Gurion Airport, In July 2006, Hezbollah terrorists launched an artillery bombardment along the northern border of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, Under IDF auspices, they attacked an IDF patrol, killed, wounded, and kidnapped two reservists: First Sergeant Ehud Goldwasser and Sergeant Eldad Regev. Following the kidnapping of the soldiers and the fall of eight additional soldiers, the Israeli government decided to embark on the Second Lebanon War. The first week, according to the chief of staff’s decision, an air war took place on July 19, 2006, a week after the kidnapping and following many Katyushas fired by Hizbullah, ground fighting of elite units began. Gilad was called to reserve duty in the unit that was attached to the Engineering Division of the Division of the Fire, Division 551, a service from which he did not return Gilad fell in a battle in the village of Debel in southern Lebanon on August 9, 2006. He was hit by a missile, and eight other fighters fell: Tu B’Av, the day on which the Gemara says fasting – “were not good days to Israel Fifteenth of Av and Yom Kippur.” Tu B’Av – a day that symbolizes the unity of the people of Israel in all its parts, unity with its people, and the unity of the people with the Creator of the world, this day, with all its characteristics, suits Gilad. Gilad was twenty-seven years old when he fell, and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kfar Saba, he was survived by his wife, father, son, brother and grandson, He had a unique relationship with his parents, his brother and his sister,

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