Storfer, Arie (Lucian)

Storfer, Arie (Lucian)

Son of Sarah and Joseph, was born on December 6, 1926, in the city of Czernowitz, Romania, when he was about four years old, and was raised by his father in 1934. He immigrated to Israel with his mother in 1934, Later he began to work to finance his studies, and when he was 12 years old, he joined the Gordonia youth movement and later became a member of the Haganah and a counselor in his movement. He studied at the Technion in 1945. From 1946 to 1945, he served in the Jewish settlement police, and in 1946, he got married his wife Carmela, and in December 1947, immediately after the UN partition resolution, To full service in the Carmeli Brigade, after he rejected his mother’s wishes to prevent him from going to the front because he was her only son. He kept in the streets bordering the Arab neighborhoods and was not deterred by any danger. He participated in the liberation of Haifa, Tira, and Acre, and later fought in the Galilee, and recently participated in Operation Brosh to destroy the Syrian bridgehead in the Mishmar Hayarden area. On Tuesday, 10 July 1948, he was wounded in the hand, the medic sent him away, but he ran straight in the shower of bullets to save the wounded, and his friends saw him with two wounded, carrying one on his back and the other one supporting him. was buried in a grave in the military cemetery in Rosh Pina, and three months after his death, his son was born and was named Yovav Gur-Ari.

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