Stone, Nava

Stone, Nava

Nava bat Aliza and Yosef was born on the 16th of Iyar, May 23, 1978 in Herzliya. Sister to Efrat. She grew up in Herzliya, and after eighth grade, the family had gone on a mission to the United States. Since she left Israel before the age of fifteen, Nava was exempt from conscription, and yet, as a true patriot and out of deep Zionist and moral conviction, she chose to return to Israel in the middle of her studies and enlist. At nineteen, at the end of December 1997 she enlisted. In complete contrast to her expectations and her request, she was assigned to a position in which she had no interest or challenge. In her frustration, Nava asked for an officers’ course, but this did not help. On the 29th of Nisan 5758, April 25, 1998, Nava fell during her service. She was laid to rest in the Herzliya military cemetery. Survived by parents and sister.

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