Stern, Eyal

Stern, Eyal

Eyal, son of Nechama and Haim, was born on December 27, 1952, in Kibbutz Gvaram, where he moved to Ta’an, where he grew up and grew up in the state elementary school “Gederot” “Honesty.” Eyal was a blond, modest and quiet boy, who usually locked himself in his corner and engaged in his favorite hobbies: photographing and developing pictures, reading books and building airplane models. He was very attached to the family and his family and spent most of his time with his family, and his friend Dubi said: “Quiet, shy, shy – yes, that’s the right description or note. That’s how I met him in first grade, and that’s how he stayed until his death. Eyal was withdrawn. He read a lot and tried to apply what he read, with his outstanding technical skill. From an early age, he was interested in instruments, tools and materials. I remember how he would edit his experiments with salty acid; How, using acid and aluminum, he managed to build a kind of balloon. All this was done only according to his knowledge accumulated from reading books. Eyal was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of May 1971. He was a member of a group of art students, and Eyal was placed as the driver of our jeep. We came to work in the central sector of Sinai on artistic buildings in the desert. Eyal was very Simcha to join us, and slowly took part in actual activities. Outwardly, Eyal looked like a passive guy, but those who knew him knew that he could be excited enough. I remember in one of our conversations that I suddenly realized that the sleepy and tired Eyal was not a ram as he looked. The real Eyal was modest and introverted, and he was full of experiences and beauty. “Shraga told him:” The guys always talked about Eyal’s kindness. He did not have to do all the “eagles” to the airport or to Shikam, but he did a lot, always when we asked, and with his typical quietness. Special for him. ” In the Yom Kippur War his unit was on the southern front. On the 8th of Tishrei 5734 (October 8, 1973) a ram fell and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Gedarot. Survived by his parents and sister. In a letter of condolences to the bereaved family, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan wrote at the time; “Eyal was an excellent soldier and a devoted friend, he was admired for everything.”

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