Steinberg, Yosef

Steinberg, Yosef

The youngest son of Leah and Mordechai, was born in April 1921 in the town of Staszow, Poland. His wealthy and affluent parents gave him a Torah education, in addition to the Polish elementary school, but in his youth he joined the “Hashomer Hatzair” branch, was fond of his friends with his cleverness and cheerfulness, and eventually became a guide. All his brothers and sisters immigrated to Israel, and only he, the youngest of them with his parents, plans to go to the hachshara to immigrate as well. When the Second World War broke out and all the Jews were imprisoned in the ghetto, he could not accept the life of humiliation. Together with some friends he fled to the forests, joined the partisans and excelled in his courage and willingness to help his comrades. He returned to the town after liberation and found his parents’ house empty and empty. He left with a group of partisans through Romania to Italy, and with the help of soldiers of the Jewish Brigade arrived in Palestine on September 5, 1945, dressed in the uniform of a soldier. Upon his arrival, he joined the nucleus that was trained by Mordechai, and after the nucleus was separated he remained in Yad Mordechai and willingly accepted the role of field guard. His knowledge of Arabic did not suffice to explain the prohibition of theft to neighbors, but his quickness of riding and his courage in pursuing them had a good effect on thieves and field terrorists. He was cheerful by nature. He did not know how to deal with the problems, but did not know how to drink and dance. When the kibbutz reorganized the local security apparatus in preparation for the Egyptian invasion, which was expected to come after the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel, He also burst into loud laughter, and when he was ordered to withdraw for fear of encirclement, he joined the defenders of a more rear position and fell from a bullet wound on his forehead on the tenth of Iyar 5708 (May 19, 1948). He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery at Yad Mordechai.

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