Stein, Reuven-Haim (Ruby)

Stein, Reuven-Haim (Ruby)

Reuven-Haim (Ruby), son of Yaffa and Yosef, was born on 28.6.1954 in Acre as a brother-in-law to Menahem. From childhood the two twins had stuck to each other and always walked hand in hand. The teachers tried to separate them so that they could develop independently, but the two refused to part. In Acre, Ruby studied at the Weizman elementary school and immediately stood out for his talents and leadership. Said the nutrition teacher: “The cake that Robbie Bakers is the best of all.” Ruby always aspired to perfection. Even when he washed the floor, it was amazingly brilliant. After completing eight years of study he was offered to study at the “Reali” school in Haifa. The hesitations were numerous, the long trips and high tuition deterred the family, but Robbie said, “Trust me,” and the parents trusted. At first he was ashamed and deterred by the company of the rich Carmelites, but in the end he was discovered here, too, in the city of Carmel, in all its greatness. Rubella or Rubka, as they called him, was the outstanding student, the best athlete, and the man of society. Robbie, who always preferred to read books about his friends, began to open. The conversations with the friends, the joint walks, the activity together again did not seem like a waste of time. He joined the Scouts movement and there was both an apprentice and an instructor. He was active in the field of light athletics and was active in the Municipal Council of Students, “parliament.” During his spare time, he worked in handicrafts, especially in painting. “When the question of enlistment to the IDF arose, he debated three possibilities: The parents wanted him to join the academic reserve, his movement members urged him to go to the core and Robi aspired to be in a combat unit. Reuven was drafted into the IDF in early November 1972 and assigned to the infantry, and at his request he found himself in the Golani reconnaissance squad at the beginning of November 1972. Robi arrived at the commando unit with a strong desire to prove his ability. He was unable to understand what was required of him, and for a long time he was quiet and withdrawn, and he had difficulties adjusting, but his commanders, who were aware of his potential, were patient with him. As the professional demands rose, he rose and stood out You can accept any situation as if to himself, “What I have to do now I will do, and since the whining will not help me, I will not fire.” His friends and commanders told him: “Rubi was full of all the military stuff, he was very Simcha to be in the reconnaissance unit, he really lived the army, he had wonderful jokes, and once when we went home on vacation the truck driver refused to take more than twenty people Robbie finished the argument when he said: ‘What is it, there is not a bullet in the Kalatz cartridge?’ Robbie and Halke – an expression that always went together – perhaps he also dreamed of it at night, with a gritting of his teeth, he climbed the ladder of the team, and in a short time he achieved exceptional physical fitness and passivity. He was one of our best navigators, yet modest, he would walk behind and let others navigate, and once something was wrong, he would go in. Robbie was an example commander, and he liked to command. The orders in the stomach – in the right tone, in the right moment and in the right spirit – we wanted to send him to officers’ course, and Robbie was very proud of it, but he did not have time. He had confidence coming outThe rule. His decisions were based only on his own considerations, without any influence of social pressure and majority opinion. Sometimes we discovered unfamiliar sides. For example: he loved painting. Once he went to sleep among the vines, because he loved nature. Robbie loved his dog very much, he was very versatile. “In the course of the tour, Ruby adopted the ideal, according to which the soldiers of the Patrol must be honest and maintain a very high level of reliability.” “I felt,” said the platoon commander, “that he sticks to the ideal He was never enthusiastic about navigating, because the matter of credibility entered him deeply and in an almost fanatical manner. ” Robbie was a quiet, thoughtful man, yet warm-hearted, sometimes too hot. On the eve of the Yom Kippur War, the guys sat and joked. This time too, Ruby’s voice stood out in the chorus. He could describe how we would soon reach Damascus, walk around the outskirts of the city, and finally be in the army. The war had found him and his unit on the northern front. His friends said: “This was the first attempt to conquer Mount Hermon, and on the road leading up to Mt. Robbie joined the force at the last minute and left with the coolness and confidence that characterizes him. “According to the commander, Robi acted as he was expected to do – in the best way possible.On the day of the 12th of Tishrei 5740 (October 8, 1973), on the way to Mount Hermon he was hurt and fell. The Nahariya cemetery left behind his parents and two brothers, and after his death he was promoted to the rank of corporal, and in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Robbie showed dedication and courage in the battles.”

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