Steiger, Meir

Steiger, Meir

Meir (Meirke), Ben Rachel, and Joseph, a Holocaust survivor, was born on May 14, 1954, in Haifa. Meir was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of August 1972. He was asked to serve in the IAF, but after he was examined, the doctors disqualified him from serving in the IAF and he volunteered for the Armored Corps. “He loved to help the weak. With his help and encouragement, his team became one of the excellent teams, both professionally and socially. He had if you can say so, a delicate hand of steel. “When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Meir was a guide in the armored instructors’ course, and the students were sent to the Sinai front, and on the first two days of the war, he fought to rescue the soldiers of the” Milan “outpost. (8.10.1973) served as a contact point in the tank of the company commander, and later served as a contact point in the brigade commander’s tank, during which time the tank was hit, his crew perished and illuminates. His body was later discovered and he was brought to eternal rest in the Haifa cemetery, leaving behind his parents and a sister.

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