Spielberg, Daniel

Spielberg, Daniel

Daniel, son of Adina and David, was born on July 18, 1952 in Jerusalem. His family lived in Tel Aviv and Daniel attended the Yavneh elementary school there. He did not like the noise of the city and decided to continue his studies at the agricultural high school in Pardes Hannah, Daniel was drafted into the IDF at the end of November 1971 and volunteered for the Nahal Brigade. After completing basic training, he moved to Kibbutz Ramat Gan, where he was appointed a secretary of the nucleus and was active and energetic, and wanted to “change and move things. He was always willing to help and extend a friendly hand to anyone who needed it. A few days before the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, a paratrooper Nahal unit manned the posts of the southern sector of the Golan Heights, and among its members was Danny, after days of routine operation, the orders were on high alert, and soldiers were forbidden to take off their shoes, On the eve of Yom Kippur, Danny sat in a bunker in El-Al, and a request for help was sent by a besieged soldier at the Tel-al-Saki post, where he volunteered to go out to help his comrades. Three armored personnel carriers set off on the difficult and dangerous road. On his way, the force encountered a Syrian unit and in a battle that was abandoned on the 7th of Tishrei 5734 (7.10.1973) near Tel, el-Saki Daniel was killed. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by his parents and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to corporal.

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