Sorek, Alon

Sorek, Alon

Ben Elisheva and Dan. He was born on the 20th of Av 5745 (23.7.1985) in Kibbutz Hanita, a young brother to Tamir, Amit, Noam, Assi and Nadav, At the end of July 2005, Alon enlisted in the IDF and was assigned to the Medical Corps, and after completing his basic training he went to the paramedics course and graduated with honors, becoming interested in the medical world and even studying physiotherapy. Related to his military occupation. In his quiet way he continued to run his life and arranged for himself to live in the streets with his beloved brother Nadav. He dreamed of nurturing the relationship with Natalie, whom he loved, and wrote in one of his letters to her: “I’m constantly reciting and thinking and thinking, I’m afraid that the things I want to tell you will run away, and that’s what usually happens … In any case, Because I have a fear that I will forget to tell you all kinds of things or all kinds of small and unimportant details, because it is important to me, you are important to me … I keep thinking that I would like you to be with me. I managed to tell you … ” Alon fell in the course of his duties on June 12, 2006 in a train accident that occurred at the Beit Yehoshua Junction. The accident occurred when the train collided with a pickup truck that crossed the tracks and overturned. Five people were killed in an accident and eighty-eight were injured. Alon was twenty-one years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Atlit cemetery. Survived by parents and five brothers.

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