Sloutsker, Pavel

Sloutsker, Pavel

Ben Lydia and Yevgeny. He was born on July 18, 1985 in the area of ​​Magdan-Omsubcian in the Soviet Union. At the end of June 1991, at the age of six, Pavel immigrated to Israel with his parents and brother Victor. For two months the family lived in Jerusalem and at the beginning of September 1991 reached the city of Dimona and set up its home there. Pavel visited the kindergarten with Ada and studied Hebrew. At the age of seven he began his elementary studies at the Afikim School and continued his studies at the Lehman High School in the city. He had always been surrounded by friends and loved by everyone. He was very attached to his family and especially to his older brother, who was sixteen and a half years older than he. Pavel was a gifted child who was interested in many areas. His parents invested most of his resources – mental, emotional and economic – and spared no effort to get him the best. Pavel had a clear tendency to languages ​​- he knew and learned five languages ​​- Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, French and English – and was very ambitious. He was a member of a dance company in Dimona on behalf of the municipality, but devoted his time to domestic pursuits: he liked to put together puzzles, solve puzzles and play chess, and also spent computer games. He was particularly interested in weapons and the history of weapons, and expanded his knowledge of medicine and law. Pavel was an outstanding student; The principal of the school where he learned about an accepted youth who was selected by Bar-Ilan University as one of five outstanding students who received a full scholarship for a law degree. Pavel’s generosity was widely known; He helped many people, the elderly, and anyone in need of his help. At the end of November 2004, Pavel enlisted in the IDF and began his career as a combat soldier, serving in the 71nd Battalion of the Armored Corps and contributing to his intensive activities. (25.6.2006) at the age of 20. At dawn, a force of eight armed Palestinian terrorists penetrated through a tunnel to a depth of about 100 meters inside Israeli territory and broke into three squads: a missile fired at the tank in which Pavel was sitting, He was killed on the spot, and Captain Hanan Barak was killed during the explosion, while another soldier was wounded in the tank and Corporal Gilad Shalit was kidnapped. Several other terrorists moved toward an IDF position, engaged in a shootout with the soldiers of the Desert Patrol Battalion, and detonated an explosive charge. As a result, three more soldiers were wounded. Pavel was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Dimona. Survived by parents and brother. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant.

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