Singer, Isaac

Singer, Isaac

Son of Shoshana and Nissan was born on October 1, 1912 in Skodbil, Lithuania, to religiously observant parents who studied in a “cheder” and a “yeshiva.” At the age of five his father died and his childhood years passed in sorrow and distress. In 1930 he joined the Hechalutz movement, went to agricultural training and immigrated to Kibbutz Yagur three years later, joining the Kibbutz Yagur and immediately became involved in the kibbutz. After a certain period of time, he began to work as a driver in the “Irgun” transportation office, and was often subject to danger during the bloody riots of 1936-1939, And when he was forced to leave the profession of his favorite leadership, he and his brother-in-law built a small car repair shop in Tel Aviv, and when the garage burned, he returned to work at the “Irgun” office. Yitzhak took the food and supplies to the various fronts and on the 11th of Nissan 5708 (April 20, 1948), on his way to besieged Jerusalem, he fell to the entrance to the military cemetery in Kiryat Anavim.

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