Singer, Boaz

Singer, Boaz

Son of Haim and Mina. She immigrated to Israel after passing World War II in the Trans-Dnisteria camps and joined her members from the Gordonia movement from Romania, in Hanita. The father immigrated before World War II as an illegal immigrant with the core of the Gordonia movement, which joined the Hanita group in 1939. Boaz was born on 15 September 1956. He grew up and was educated in the local school. He was a diligent and talented student, very outstanding in math and very interested in economics and inflation, and at a very young age he had already adopted his own ways of thinking about the right and just steps to manage the kibbutz agriculture. His opinion on the right way of life for young people in Israel, much to think about the problem of relations with the Arabs, and the fact that many of them became refugees due to the war In the wake of his intellectual analyzes, he formulated a socialist-humanist worldview, and Boaz had a physical limitation from childhood, but he overcame it by force of will in silence and pride, and it was almost impossible to discern. That other students had avoided unpleasant work, and that he knew how to listen to others and spent a lot of time studying the subject before he opened his mouth to express his opinion, both teachers and friends knew that when Boaz was present, To demand from them, when the time comes, to stand behind what was said. After graduating from high school, he completed a year of service on behalf of the agriculture and the youth movement in Beit Shemesh. Boaz was drafted into the IDF in March 1976 and assigned to service at the IDF School of Education. On the 9th of Av 5736 (5.8.1976), Boaz died while serving in the cemetery of Kibbutz Hanita, which he loved with all his Lev, and left behind his parents.

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