Simchon, Avraham

Simchon, Avraham

Son of Mazal and Eliyahu, He was born on the 15th of Av, August 10, 1930 in Ramat Gan. When he was 13, his mother died. When Avraham was about 15 he joined the Palmach.
Most of his time in the Palmach was spent on Kibbutz Ayelet Hashahar. After his group was transferred to a new settlement he wanted to study. He also wanted to participate in illegal immigration and he took part in the operations run by the underground. He was known to be of dedicated and courageous. After three years Avraham was released from the underground and transferred to the reserve unit of the Palmach in Ramat Gan. With the outbreak of the War of Independence Avraham was immediately called to service as one of the defenders of Tel Aviv suburbs. He joined the regiment “The burglars” in the Harel Brigade and took part in the battles to open the way to Jerusalem. As a undercover “thief” or a machine gunner, he participated in all the battalion battles in the Jerusalem hills and in its extremist suburbs. On 30.4.1948 Avraham was among those who stormed the San Simon monastery in the Katamon neighborhood of Jerusalem. Avraham and his friend Aryeh Hikind volunteered to climb up and crawl to the roof of the monastery to act as snipers and throw grenades at the enemy. In this battle, during an Arab counter-attack, he suffered a severe head injury and on 1 Iyar 5708, (10.5.1948), and he died in hospital from his injuries. Avraham was buried in Sanhedria ,Jerusalem.
On the 9th of Cheshvan 5711 (8.11.1951) he was transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery at Har-
Herzl in Jerusalem.

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