Siman Tov, David

Siman Tov, David

Son of Leah and Rafael. He was born on March 28, 1926 in Jerusalem, the third generation of his family in the city. He studied at the “Tachkemoni” elementary school and later went on to study at the “Matriculation” high school, where he completed his high school education and received a matriculation certificate. Along with his studies at the Gymnasia, he worked for a living and supported his family. He was a quietboy who had a poetic bent in writing. His writings were candid, willing to open the gates of his soul … an open, honest and righteous soul. After completing his studies and examinations, David joined the ranks of the Palmach, where he was courageous, responsible with agility and talent, and participated in the following activities: the release of the Atlit detainees (9.10.1945), the explosion of the radar station in Givat Olga (20.1.1946) 1946, and finally, “Night of the Bridges”, which was held on 17 Sivan, June 16, 1946, during the “Night of the Bridges” campaign, in which Palmach units set out to blow up eleven bridges of roads and railways at eight locations in the country, to separate it from neighboring countries. David went out with a Palmach unit to blow up two bridges, the railway bridge and the road bridge, which were leaning on Nachal Akhziv. The unit encountered fire and the fourteen Palmach members were killed, including David. He was laid to rest in a mass grave in the cemetery on the Carmel coast, He left a father, brothers and sisters, and in 1968 the remains of the thirteen men were transferred to a grave that had been dug in the heart of the monument. His name was also immortalized in the Palmach book.

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